Libyan Prime Minister Fayez Al Sarraj

The Arab League renewed Monday its support for any political effort aimed at reaching a comprehensive political settlement in Libya by bringing the disputed parties closer together.
Asked about Arab League chief Ahmed Abul Gheit's stance towards the road map suggested by Libyan Prime Minister Fayez Al Sarraj on Saturday, Mahmoud Afifi, Abul Gheit's spokesman, said the Arab League chief supports all moves aimed at achieving consensus among disputed parties in Libya. 
Afifi said the Arab League backs all efforts exerted to resolve the crisis, including political efforts by the United Nations and Libya's neighboring states, meetings hosted by Cairo between parties involved in the Libyan crisis and the meeting between Al Sarraj and Libyan army commander Khalifa Haftar in Abu Dhabi.
The spokesman pointed out that the Arab League will remain committed to addressing all obstacles facing the implementation of the Skhirat agreement to reach a comprehensive peace settlement to the crisis in a manner that preserves Libyan sovereignty and independence.

Source: Mena