Prime Minister Prince Khalifa and Crown Prince Salman at the forum.

Bahrain’s Prime Minister Prince Khalifa Bin Salman Al Khalifa has called on all government officials to work towards meeting citizens’ needs, saying the key performance indicator of any government official is the satisfaction of the citizens with the services provided.

If citizen satisfaction is not reached, government officials should review their performance and make further improvements in order to reach this goal, Prince Khalifa said at the Government Forum 2016.

The event brought together government executives from all levels to explore ways in which greater sustainable diversification and economic prosperity can be delivered to meet citizens’ needs and aspirations.

All government officials should consistently work together, be fully committed to coordination and use studies and research to overcome challenges, particularly when addressing economic challenges, the Bahraini Premier said.

Prince Khalifa said challenges should be turned into opportunities for further

development, while government performances are continuously monitored and evaluated.

“If the development programmes and plans do not succeed in improving citizens’ lives and the quality of the services provided for them, they have to be modified and re-directed towards meeting the citizens’ expectations and fulfilling the aspirations of His Majesty King Hamad Bin Eisa Al Khalifa for ensuring prosperous lives for all Bahrainis,” he said on Sunday.

In his speech, Crown Prince and First Deputy Premier Salman Bin Hamad Al Khalifa said the government “relishes a challenge and has a passion for achievement.”

This will underpin the future growth and development of the Kingdom to benefit Bahraini citizens, in line with the directives of His Majesty King Hamad, he said.

He added that Bahrain’s citizens were at the core of the Kingdom’s development goals and that the success of Bahrain’s development depended on meeting citizens’ aspirations.

Prince Salman said that the objectives and tools for the next phase of Bahrain’s development were based on the principles of sustainability, fairness and competitiveness.

“These include reforming the role of the public sector from the central driver of growth to one that serves as a regulator, active partner with the private sector, supporting innovation to stimulate competitiveness, and investing in citizens’ futures to further improve their living standards,” he said.

“In order to achieve these goals, four government tools must be utilized, including improving the quality and efficiency of public services, further developing legislative and regulatory frameworks, facilitating various government related procedures and continuing to invest in high quality infrastructure projects.”

Giving a presentation on Bahrain’s Economic Vision 2030, launched eight years ago by King Hamad, the Crown Prince said it was the government’s “responsibility to continue to work diligently to meet the needs and aspirations of Bahrain’s citizens.”

“It is exactly this commitment that will underpin continued efforts to translate the Vision 2030 goals into tangible results,” he said.

The Government Forum also featured a number of panel discussions that included sessions about ‘Bahrain’s Vision 2030 Achievements’, a ‘Sustainability and Advancing Infrastructure’ session, “the Private Sector Role in Driving Growth’, and “Enhancing Public Services.

source : gulfnews