The High Supervisory Committee in charge of Bahraini Women’s Day 2017

The High Supervisory Committee in charge of Bahraini Women’s Day 2017 today held its first meeting since its establishment.
Chairing the session in Gudaibiya Palace, Deputy Prime Minister Shaikh Khalid bin Abdulla Al-Khalifa paid tribute to Her Royal Highness Princess Sabeeka bint Ibrahim Al-Khalifa, Wife of His Majesty the King and Supreme Council for Women (SCW) for assigning him to chair the panel.
The 2017 edition will celebrate Bahraini women working in the engineering sector and pay tribute to pioneer’s contributions over five decades.
The Deputy Premier commended the initiative which was launched by the HRH Princess Sabeeka to acknowledge women’s contributions in all work sectors.
“The 2017 event will represent a platform to shed light on women engineers’ march since 1968, with the establishment of the Gulf Technical College and the graduation of two female engineers”, the Deputy Premier said.
The committee discussed a report submitted by SCW Secretary-General Hala Mohammed Al-Ansari on the participation of Bahraini women in the engineering profession over the past decades.
Women made up 43 % of the overall number of engineers who graduated during the 2014-2015 academic year.
Women made up 25% of the overall number of engineers working in the public sector in 2016 and 21% in the private sector in 2017.
Chaired by the Deputy Premier, the committee includes the ministers of electricity and waters affairs, works, municipalities affairs and urban planning, transportation and telecommunications.
The panel also includes the oil minister, SCW secretary-general, Mumtalakat Chief Executive Officer and SCW members.

Source : BNA