Prime Minister Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa

His Royal Highness Prime Minister Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa received several Bin Salloom Family members, at the Gudaibiya Palace today.


They extended deepest thanks and appreciation to HRH the Prime Minister for the noble feelings he had expressed while offering condolences to them over the death of the late Haj Ahmed bin Mohsen bin Salloom.


They asserted that HRH Premier has set the best examples of a leadership that is keen to support the citizens under all circumstances, stressing that the Prime Minister’s standing by them had a good impact in their hearts.


HRH Premier affirmed that Allah the Almighty has blessed the Bahraini society with the value of communication, and therefore, should be strengthened in order to further cement national unity.


The Prime Minister recalled with appreciation and gratitude the contributions of the late Haj Ahme bin Mohsen bin Salloom to the national action, praying to Allah the Almighty to rest his soul in eternal peace.


Bin Salloom family members prayed to Allah the Almighty to protect HRH Premier and guide him on the right path for the best interests of Bahrain and its people.

Source : BNA