Magdy Abdel Ghaffar

Interior Minister Magdy Abdel Ghaffar arrived here on Tuesday leading a high-level security delegation to participate in the 33rd session of the Arab interior ministers' council meeting, slated to kick off on Wednesday.

The two-day meeting is held under the auspices of Tunisian President Beji Caid Essebsi.

The meeting is expected to discuss various security issues in the Arab region, notably the fight against terrorism.

Egypt has been keen on participating in this event out of its belief in the importance of cooperation among Arab security bodies to fight all forms of crimes and terrorism, Abdel Ghaffar told MENA upon arrival at Carthage International Airport.

He added that the Egyptian Interior Ministry has adopted a strategic plan to completely wipe out terrorism.

Abdel Ghaffar stressed that he will meet a number of Arab interior ministers on the sidelines of the meeting to discuss with them ways of bolstering cooperation in the security domain.

Source: MENA