Interior Ministry on high alert to secure churches nationwide

Interior Ministry has issued a high security alert in all its sectors to secure Copts celebrations of Easter feast nationwide, according to a high-ranking security source.

In statements to MENA, the source said Interior Minister Magdy Abdel Ghafar held a series of meeting with his assistants to assess the security plans outlined to secure the surroundings of all churches and vital State facilities in a bid to deter any attempt to destabilize the country.

The source explained that all the ministry's sectors have received directives of tightening the security and inspection measures around churches whose number exceed 2,626 nationwide.

Also, directives included that sappers make regular combing operations in the surroundings of the churches till the end of celebrations. Also, monitors fixed in all churches have been checked to ensure they are operational.

Directives to security personnel also included making a safe zone of around 400 meters around each church along with banning the parking of any vehicles or motorbikes inside the churches. Also, security personnel will check that every visitor to be checked by the metal detector gates before entering any church, according to the source.

The source also pointed out that the outlined plan has come into force as of today as Assistant Interior Minister for Cairo Security Major General Khaled Abdel Aal made an inspection of the security missions assigned with securing churches at dawn on Saturday.

Meanwhile, Assistant Interior Minister for Giza Security Major General Hisham el-Iraqi made a surprise tour of a number of locations assigned with churches' security along with Arab and foreign embassies and other vital facilities.

Source: MENA