The Moroccan House of Representatives

The Authenticity and Modernity Party (PAM) is calling on its parliamentarian deputies to relinquish their monthly allowances of the three past months until the resumption of the House of Representatives.

In a communiqué published on its official website on Tuesday, the PAM, said that “the party considers that the monthly remuneration of the deputies is not merited until the start date of the House of Representatives.”

Following the results of the legislative election held on October 7, 2016, the PAM is considered the fiercest political rival of the Justice and Development Party (PJD). The PAM gained a total of 102 seats in parliament, securing a position second to the PJD, which gained 125 seats.

Since the announcement of the winner of the elections, the PAM officially expressed its position to avoid not forming a government coalition with the PJD. Instead, to be one of the parties in the opposition coalition.

Amidst the controversy to what has become commonly known to Moroccans as the “Government Blockage,” since the delay of forming a government, Morocco’s appointed Head of Government and Secretary General of the PJD, Abdelilah Benkirane is currently facing a dilemma.

Benkirane’s mission to form a coalition government has been stumbled after he decided to break off earlier this month the negotiations with the leader parties following a string of unsuccessful talks with them.

Source :Morocco World News