President Abdel Fattah El Sisi

President Abdel Fattah El Sisi urged people to bear the burdens of comprehensive economic development to reap its fruits which is a modern state and a dignified life.
For decades, the Egyptian economy failed to realize the optimal use of resources and economic crises piled up, but now the current generation has laid down strong foundations for a new modern Egypt whose people would enjoy prosperity and welfare.
He said the economic reform program is well examined, noting that Egypt is opening the door for all serious investors of Egypt, Arab or foreign states, creating jobs for youths and upping state revenues to realize a quantum leap in all services offered to people, especially health and education.
Sisi said he is sure that the Egyptians are aware of their high interests and they are adamant to proceed with economic reforms.
He voiced appreciation for the Egyptian people who understand the requirements of the economic reform program.
He concluded that the Egyptians want to change the status quo for Egypt to be a state depending on itself and they are well aware that the price is high. 

Source: Mena