Abdelaziz Aftati

Abdelaziz Aftati, a former Member of Parliament for the Justice and Development Party (PJD), has lashed out at the Head of Government, Saad Eddine El Othmani, for admitting the Socialist Union of Popular Forces (USFP) into the government.

Abdelaziz Aftati, former  PJD Member of the Parliament criticized the coalition announced on Saturday by the Head of Government. Known for his controversial statements, Aftati stated that the coalition was “tailored to the deep state.”

Aftati expressed his shock that his party admitted the USFP into the soon-to-be-formed government after months of objection, which led to a state of political stagnancy that lasted for 5 months. Aftati questioned the consistency of the coalition government and pointed out that the admitted party and the Constitutional Union (UC) opposed many policies introduced by the previous government, which was also run by the PJD.

“What the General Secretariat of the party (PJD) has done is unfathomable,” Aftati said, adding that the government will be “without dignity.” The former MP noted that this government was formed to “obey orders” and that this is a bad sign for the democratic transition in Morocco. In a tacit reference to the deep state, Aftati went on to say that the government will continue functioning, despite its inconsistency, if the deep state wishes it to.

“If this has any meaning at all, it is an insult to the people and a clear humiliation of the parties,” concluded Aftati.

Source :Morocco World News