Minister of Public Works and Transportation, Youssef Fenianos

Minister of Public Works and Transportation, Youssef Fenianos, underlined, in a statement on Tuesday, that Lebanon is mourning today and that focus should be on fighting takfiri terrorism. 

"It is as if the three martyrs who fell in Istanbul attack did fall on every iota of Lebanon; the crisis cells that are operating inside Lebanon to treat security lacks must be the same to protect Lebanese abroad," he said. 

Fenianos also stressed that cooperation among the Lebanese army, Resistance, and Lebanese people would allow peace and security in Lebanon "at a time when a state like Turkey is unable to protect itself from terrorism." 

Accordingly, he urged "the states sponsoring terrorism" to relinquish its policies. Separately, Fenianos maintained that relation between Marada Movement and Hezbollah was "solid and strong."
