Qatar Attends Meeting on Ensuring Accountability for Crimes Committed in Syria

The State of Qatar participated here today in a meeting of senior officials to discuss how to ensure accountability for serious crimes committed in Syria.
The meeting was called by Dutch Minister of Foreign Affairs Bert Koenders in order to follow up the implementation of the UN General Assembly resolution No. 71/248, which was an initiative by the State of Qatar and Liechtenstein.    
HE Qatar's Ambassador to the Kingdom of the Netherlands Sheikh Jassim bin Mohammed Al-Thani delivered Qatar's speech in this important international meeting at the Foreign Ministry of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, with the participation of representatives of countries that voted for the resolution and the United Nations along with experts in international criminal law and a number of non-governmental organizations.
HE the Ambassador of the State of Qatar appreciated the initiative of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to call for this meeting and its efforts to ensure justice and put an end to the atrocities committed in Syria. "The unspeakable atrocities and untold sufferings in Syria over many years are a stain upon the international community. No doubt that impunity has contributed to the escalation of violence and the rise of these violations and atrocities; it also undermined the achievement of justice and redress for victims," His Excellency said. 
"We believe that achieving accountability in Syria will contribute to putting an end to the ongoing cycle of violence and reduce the root causes of the spread of violent extremism and terrorism," he said, adding that any political transition or political solution will not lead to a successful and sustainable outcome without holding accountable those who commit these serious violations and crimes.
HE Ambassador Sheikh Jassim bin Mohammed Al-Thani stressed that the commitment of such violations and crimes underlines the need to take immediate action to address them, saying: "The Syrian regime is responsible for the vast majority of the most serious crimes under international law committed in Syria since March 2011." He added that the joint investigation mechanism between the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons and the United Nations concluded that the Syrian regime was behind at least three attacks using weapons of mass destruction and that the regime is the only Syrian party that has the air force which caused most of the wanton destruction and attacks against civilians, noting that six years of conflict left no doubt that the national judicial system in Syria is unable or unwilling to prosecute any party that commits such a long series of atrocities in Syria.
His Excellency expressed the State of Qatar's regret over the inability of the Security Council to refer the Syrian crisis to the International Criminal Court, as well as over its inability to hold those responsible for the use of chemical weapons accountable, pointing out that failing to take action to address the issue of justice was a contributing factor to impunity which has contributed in turn to the continuing occurrence of atrocities over six years.
His Excellency said that the State of Qatar backed international efforts to address impunity of all perpetrators of violations and crimes in Syria, adding that the State of Qatar has recently joined the joint efforts by its partners in the group of friends of accountability, which culminated in the adoption of General Assembly resolution No. 71/248 and the establishment of International, Impartial and Independent Mechanism to Assist in the Investigation and Prosecution of Those Responsible for the Most Serious Crimes under International Law Committed in Syria since 2011.
HE the Ambassador said that the adoption of the resolution 71/248 was only the first step towards ensuring accountability and justice, and that serious action must be undertaken to ensure the activation and effectiveness of the new mechanism, as well as to overcome any obstacles it may face, commending appropriate steps taken by the UN Secretary-General without delay to implement the resolution, including the preparation of terms of reference for the international mechanism.
His Excellency said that the State of Qatar is looking forward to the report of the Secretary-General and the appointment of the leadership of the international mechanism, explaining that Qatar's permanent delegation in New York takes steps to ensure the smooth process of the appointment of the leadership of the mechanism and to avoid hindering those appointments by political considerations.
HE Ambassador Sheikh Jassim bin Mohammed Al-Thani noted in this regard that the State of Qatar made a $500,000 contribution to the mechanism, hoping that such efforts will be successful, and that the international impartial and independent mechanism will contribute to facilitate and accelerate the move towards fair criminal proceedings in accordance with the international law.
His Excellency also reiterated Qatar's unwavering support to this principle and international efforts to reach a political solution to the Syrian crisis on the basis of the Geneva Communique, the UN Security Council resolution 2254 in a way that meets the legitimate aspirations of the Syrian people. 

Source : QNA