HE Sultan bin Saad Al-Muraikhi

Qatar's Minister of State for Foreign Affairs HE Sultan bin Saad Al-Muraikhi said that the government and people of Qatar have spared no effort since the outbreak of the Yemeni crisis and continue to provide humanitarian assistance to the legitimate government and the brotherly Yemeni people to alleviate the humanitarian catastrophe of the brotherly Yemeni people.
Addressing the High-level Pledging Event for the Humanitarian Crisis in Yemen today in Geneva, HE the Minister said that the State of Qatar as an active member of the international community believes that peace, security, development and human rights are interdependent and complementary elements and that stability is a prerequisite for development.
HE the Minister added that "the Yemeni crisis in all its dimensions because of the coup against legitimacy by the Houthis armed group, which refuses to comply with the Arab and international will that laid the foundations for peaceful solution, through the implementation of the Gulf initiative and the outcome of the national dialogue, which are the only way to end this disaster, that drained souls and left behind the massive destruction, and it is the only way to restore security and stability to sisterly Yemen. " He stressed that it is imperative to resort to dialogue and respect the legitimacy and consensus between all conflicting parties to achieve a political settlement in order to end this catastrophic situation, which led to serious repercussions on the unity of this brotherly country and the future of its people and the security and stability of the region. Qatar reiterated the importance of the unity, independence and territorial integrity of Yemen and the need to implement UN Security Council resolution 2216, HE the Minister added.
HE the Minister of State for Foreign Affairs stated that the participation of the State of Qatar in this conference comes from its firm position in support of all sincere efforts to achieve security, stability and development as well as to lay the foundations for a lasting settlement of the Yemeni crisis, which is today one of the biggest humanitarian tragedies as a result of the coup which had great implications that threaten international peace and security in Yemen and the region.
He noted that the reports and frightening figures carried by the specialized international agencies, which we follow with pain, confirm the massive loss of life, the unprecedented damage to infrastructure, the waves of displacement and the spread of epidemics among the Yemeni people. "These reports indicate that there are about 17 million Yemeni people in need of food, (7 million) suffer from a real famine, more than 3 million displaced people, and 2.2 million children are malnourished, as well as about 70% of children are out of school. " HE the Minister stressed the necessity of concerted international efforts to provide humanitarian assistance to the Yemeni brethren and provide them with basic needs. If the international community does not coordinate immediately and assume its responsibilities under the UN Charter, Yemen will face the threat of famine during the remaining months of this year.
"We look forward to a positive and constructive role by the governments of Sweden and Switzerland, as well as the efforts of the UN Secretary-General to coordinate with Yemen's concerned countries as well as relief and humanitarian agencies, led by the United Nations Office for Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), whose efforts are appreciated in the delivery of humanitarian assistance, in coordination with the Gulf, regional and international humanitarian, and relief agencies", HE the Minister said. 

Source: QNA