
Libyan  Ahmed al-Mesmary on Tuesday accused Qatar, Sudan and Turkey of supporting terrorism in the conflict-torn Arab country.
"By supporting terrorists, Qatar has committed crimes against humanity in Libya," Xinhua quoted Mesmary as saying in the Egyptian capital Cairo.
The Libyan spokesman said that he has documents proving the involvement of the three countries of providing Libyan terror militia with logistic provisions, saying he will present the documents to the international community.
"All we need from the international community is to lift the arms embargo imposed on the Libyan army to fight terrorism," said the Libyan military spokesman.
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He also said that his army achieved progress and controlled vast areas in Libya despite fighting four major categories: Daesh, Al-Qaeda, the Muslim Brotherhood group and criminal gangs which possess weapons and ammunition.
"In one week, we controlled three large airbases in central Libya," Mesmary said, adding that his army managed to completely destroy the Daesh in Benghazi.
He clarified that the Daesh presence in Libya is declining while the criminal gangs control large parts in Tripoli.

 source: Khaleejtimes