(SIS) issued an analytical statement about a terrorist attack in El Badrasheen

 The State Information Service (SIS) issued an analytical statement by State Information Service about a terrorist attack in El Badrasheen, north of Cairo, which left five policemen dead and a knife attack in Hurghada, which killed two German tourists and wounded four other foreigners.
Statistics about terrorist operations in Egypt over the past four years indicate that police forces were the prime target in these terrorist attacks together with the Armed Forces, the SIS said in a statement.
Despite the fact that terrorist attacks against police forces and their headquarters continued, a major change in these attacks was noticed over the past two years as terrorists could not continue in targeting security directorates or police stations after the two major blasts that targeted Cairo and Daqahliya security directorates in 2013 and 2014, it added. 
The terrorist groups started attacking with explosive charges in northeastern Sinai or with fire arms in other parts of Egypt targeting mobile and fixed checkpoints, it said.
This change has several meanings and indications, including an increase in the ability of the Egyptian police to protect their headquarters of security directorates and police stations which amount to hundreds grouping scores of thousands of staffers. This paralyzed the terrorist groups and prevented them from attacking these facilities with explosive charges or through suicide operations or with fire arms, it pointed out. (MORE)
Source: Mena