President Abdel Fattah El Sisi

President Abdel Fattah El Sisi is keen on attaining unity among the Egyptians in order to face the challenges besetting the country during this phase, said Immigration and Expatriates Affairs Minister Nabila Makram. 
During an iftar banquet on behalf of President Sisi, organized by the Arab Women Investors Union and the Business Women Association For Development to launch an Arab-African cooperation initiative, Makram welcomed the attendees and voiced happiness for representing President Sisi in such occasion. 
Makram, meanwhile, hailed President Sisi's efforts in establishing several national mega projects, which encourage investment. 
The Egyptians abroad love their homeland and are keen on participating in attaining development to their country, she said. 
Talking about combating terrorism and extremism, Makram said that all sides are responsible of confronting such phenomenon, which pose threat to Egypt's stability and unity. 
The minister also underlined the importance of paying attention to the consequences of illegal immigration. 
The illegal immigrants, from Egypt, are targeted by groups and terrorist organizations, she said, affirming that the ministry gives top priority to combating illegal immigration. 
The ministry seeks the participation of the NGOs institutions and the companies and the unions to participate with the ministry in combating such phenomenon, she further said.

Source: MENA