Special Arab border guard force mooted

The 13th meeting of the Arab border security chiefs for airports, ports and customs departments has called for the formation of a special force to guard the border crossings of the countries in order to counter potential terrorist attacks.
In a statement issued by the General Secretariat of the Council of Arab Interior Ministers from its headquarters in Tunis on Thursday, the chiefs called for improving counter-terrorism measures at borders, seaports and airports, as well as for the provision of essential equipment along with the identification of the current relationships between terrorist organizations and organized crime gangs.
The conference stressed the importance of exchanging information and maintaining direct communication between the security agencies across all Arab countries, especially neighboring countries, which will allow authorities to exchange information quickly and efficiently on the movement of fighters to and from conflict zones and areas of tension.
The council also stressed the need to increase cooperation among all security departments to fight terrorism, as well as the importance of exchanging field visits and successful experiences to benefit from the experience of the General Secretariat of the Cooperation Council for the Arab Gulf States.
Issam bin Saleh Al-Jitaili, Saudi charge d’affaires in Tunisia, held a dinner in honor of Director General of the Border Guards Gen. 
Auwad bin Eid Al-Balawi and his accompanying delegation. The Saudi delegation was visiting Tunisia to take part in the meeting of the heads of the border security agencies of Arab countries.

Source: Arab News