Sudan and Egypt have stressed the importance of communication

Sudan and Egypt have stressed the importance of communication between them to remove any impurities that impede their strategic relationship. The Foreign Ministers of the two countries, Prof. Ibrahim Ghandour and Sameh Shukri, renewed at a joint press conference held at the Diplomatic Club at the end of the discussions of the political consultation committee between the two countries, affirmed that the two countries face one challenge and are working through common goals to reach the relationship to their goal .
The two sides announced that they agreed to hold regular meetings to discuss the strategic issues, top of which, the meetings of the concerned defense and security bodies . 
The two countries agreed to discuss Halayeb Issue by the leaderships of the two countries, reaching an agreement on the Egyptian products to Sudan by the concerned technical bodies besides holding a meeting for the Press Councils in the two countries to work out media code of ethics to ban insults directed to the leaderships and the people of the two countries .
Prof. Ghandour has told reporters that the Sudan and Egypt shared identical viewpoints on the developments of situations in Yemen, Libya, Iraq, Somalia, Syria, Somalia and South Sudan State, pointing out that the dialogue is the sole means for solving these issues .
The Foreign Minister has outlined that Sudan and Egypt shared identical viewpoints towards the developments in Yemen, Libya, Iraq, Somalia, Syria and South Sudan State, adding that the dialogue is the sole means for solving these problems .
He reaffirmed the mutual support in regional and international organizations, the UN, the Human Rights Council and all the international issues of common interest, adding that every country is free in its foreign relations.
Ghandour indicated that he reviewed with his Egyptian counterpart, in three meetings, the developments of relations after holding of the Higher Committee which held in Cairo led by the Presidents of the two countries including the opening of the crossings, movements of citizen and goods, noting that President Al-Basher and Al-Sessi met 19 times during the last period, describing the meeting as frank and transparent.
Meanwhile, the Egyptian Foreign Minister has denied his country's plotting against Sudan or interference in Sudan internal affairs, renewing Egypt's absolute confidence on President Al-Basher .
The Egyptian diplomat has categorically denied that the Egyptian permanent representative to the UN delivered press statement against Sudan .
On the Egyptian position towards supporting the State of South Sudan, the Egyptian Foreign Minister said his country supports the positive trend for solving the problems of South Sudan through avoiding the tribal conflict and strengthening of the institutions, adding that supporting state's institutions, in South Sudan is not directed against anybody .

Source: SUNA