UN Special Envoy for Yemen Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed

UN Special Envoy for Yemen Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed welcomed on Thursday the Yemeni government's decision to resume the UN-brokered peace talks hosted by Kuwait. 
In an interview with Kuwait TV, also reported by Kuwait news agency KUNA, Ould Cheikh Ahmed stressed the necessity of an effective participation in the peace negotiations; with a new spirit, to push ahead with the consultations according to positive results made over the past period. 
He said he would hold a final session on Saturday, with the participation of all Yemeni parties, to underline the importance of the return to the peace march and resume talks. 
He said "we need a comprehensive and permanent agreement to resolve the crisis in accordance with the UN Security Council Resolution 2216 and relevant international ones, as well as the Gulf Initiative, its executive mechanisms and the national dialogue's outcomes." He affirmed the need to resolve the crisis as soon as possible to address the "catastrophic" humanitarian situations in that Arab country. 
The envoy also said the solution of the crisis should include all parties, stressing the need to adopt the principle of national partnership proposed during the talks. 
He pointed out that there in an international consensus on supporting legitimacy in Yemen. 
As a result, the Security Council urged, in a statement, Ansarullah and GPC to cooperate with the envoy so as to end the conflict. 
Among terms of the draft are a comprehensive withdrawal from the cities, a handover of weapons, the restoration of state institutions, forming a national unity government in line with the national dialogue's outputs and holding comprehensive political consultations after forming the government. 
The peace talks hosted by Kuwait since April 21 have been extended until August 7 to give the parties enough time to put an end to the crisis.

Source : QNA