Magdy Abdel Ghaffar

Egyptian Minister of Interior Magdy Abdel Ghaffar has asserted that the 33rd session of the Council of Arab Interior Ministers in Tunisia comes in a crucial stage of the Arab nation's history and is held amid immense challenges and unprecedented risks.

Addressing the inaugural meeting of the session which is held under the auspices of Tunisian President Beji Caid Essebsi, the minister said the circumstances the Arab nation is passing through require new plans and new security policies to deal with regional and international variables to overcome the challenges. 

The Arab nation is now subject to a wave of terrorism fed by regional and in international ambitions as well as sectarian dimensions, said the minister, pointing out that terrorism became rampant cancer in the body of the Arab nation.

The minister pointed out to terrorism caused by Daesh group which he said is practicing the most heinous kind of terrorism, calling for more efforts to wipe out the terrorism of the group which started to spread across the world.

The minister said terrorist groups use the most up-to-date technology in communications to spread their misleading thoughts and commit crimes.

On Egypt's efforts to fight terrorism, the minister said that Egypt achieved many progresses in combating terrorism and rebuilding the State institutions, but he noted the country still has a long way that requires caution.

Minister Abdel Ghaffar asserted that the Ministry of Interior contributed to the success of the road map and managed effectively in securing elections in cooperation with the Armed Forces.

The minister called on the council of Arab interior ministers to take effective decisions to put into force Arab agreements on combating terrorism on the internet, pointing out that the criminals use websites to explain how to make explosives and arms.

Minister Abdel Ghaffar said Egypt's non-permanent membership at the UN Security Council and its presidency of the council's committee on terror combat would be a chance to achieve more cooperation at regional and international levels to fight terrorism.

Source:  MENA