Aziz Akhannouch

Aziz Akhannouch, the Secretary General of the National Rally of Independents Party (RNI), has expressed his readiness to participate in the coalition government with Saad Eddine Othmani, the newly-appointed Head of Government.

After his meeting with Othmani, Akhannouch spoke to reporters in a press conference held on Tuesday at the Justice and Development Party’s (PJD) headquarters. There, PJD member, Mustapha El Khalfi, was designated by Othmani to announce on his behalf, the negotiation schedule with party leaders.

Akhannouch was accompanied by Mohammed Sajid, the Secretary General of the Constitutional Union Party, after their members formed a unified coalition group in parliament. He reiterated his willingness to join the government, saying, “We support Othmani and we want to work with him as Head of Government [in order to] collaborate to achieve the projects of our country.

“We trust Othmani and we gave him enough time to form the government,” Akhannouch added.

Akhannouch did not speak about whether he upholds his decision to include the Socialist Union of Popular Forces Party (USFP) in the coalition. He also refused to respond to questions from journalists about his previous negotiations with ousted Head of Government, Abdelilah Benkirane.

Saad Eddine Othmani embarked on his own coalition-forming negotiations Tuesday morning, starting with the Istiqlal Party (PI). This will be followed by a meeting with the RNI.

Saad Eddine Othmani is set to hold discussions Tuesday afternoon with both the Modernity and the Authenticity Party (PAM) and the Popular Movement (MP). He will also talk with other party leaders Wednesday morning, including Idriss Lachgar, Secretary General of the USFP, and Mohamed Nabil Benabdallah, Secretary General of the Progress and Socialism Party (PPS).

Source : Morocco World News