Khaled Abdel Aziz

Minister of Youth and Sports and the head of the Executive Office of the Council of Arab Youth and Sports Ministers Khaled Abdel Aziz presided Thursday over the fifth session of the ministerial conference held here under the auspices of President Abdel Fattah El Sisi.

The conference, which will take up implementing agenda of sustainable development 2030 in the Arab countries, is organized by the Social Solidarity Ministry, social department at the Arab League and the developmental program of the United Nations.

The event will witness the participation of the Arab ministers of youth and sports as well as representatives of some Arab organizations.

The session, which was dubbed " Information and data needed for planning in Arab countries", was attended by Planning and Social Solidarity Ministers Ashraf el Araby and Ghada Wali respectively.

The session aims at discussing the challenges facing following up sustainable development policies.

During the session, Abdel Aziz said that the goals of the sustainable development are preserving basic rights of the person such as uprooting poverty and hunger, providing good education as well as modern and safe source of energy, suitable job opportunities, upgrading the infrastructure and granting equality between both sexes.

He further reiterated that any country can achieve developmental goals via cooperation between governmental institutions, the private sector and non-governmental organizations. 

Source : MENA