Minister of Planning and Trade, Salman Jumaili

The Minister of Planning and Trade, Salman Jumaili, said that the Iraqi government is interested in the reopening of the port of Trebil with the Kingdom of Jordan to restore the movement of wild trade with the countries of the world, which constitute a high proportion of the country's imports annually.

 He pointed out that what hinders the opening of the port is the large number of bridges destroyed by IS organization, during the control of the cities of Anbar province since the beginning of 2014 until the liberation of Fallujah and Ramadi months ago, noting that about 36 bridges destroyed by IS.

Jumaili expects the opening of this international road and the return of commercial activity on it. Jordan has demanded several times from its Iraqi counterpart to rehabilitate the international highway, which stretches 500 kilometers from Baghdad to the Jordanian and Syrian borders in the west, in preparation for the resumption of international trade activity.

The Iraqi prime minister, Haidar Abadi, said, two weeks ago, that the competent authorities in his government entered into an agreement with a security company to rehabilitate and secure the movement on the international highway and reactivate the international trade movement between Iraq and the countries of the world without disclosing the content of the agreement. Iraq plans to re-run the movement of passenger buses through the Trebil border crossing with Jordan soon after securing the road by Iraqi forces.

Abdullah Allaibi said that the company is working to adopt plans to improve the financial reality and provide new revenues that contribute to turn it from a losing company to a profitable one.

The port, which has been the gateway to trade and trade between Iraq and Jordan, has been closed since IS imposed its control on the international road in the province in mid-2014. Iraqi forces regained control of the area in May.
He said that coordination with the Jordanian side is now underway to run the company's buses via the port of Trebil after being secured by the security forces, noting that the port of Trebil border with Jordan is currently undergoing maintenance work , which is expected to be completed soon.