A Chinese court sentenced a Tibetan monk to 11 years in prison for \"intentional homicide\" in the self-immolation death of his 16-year-old nephew, also a monk. The accused was identified as Drongdru, a monk in the Kirti Monastery in the Aba Tibetan-Qiang region in southwest China\'s Sichuan province, the state-run Xinhua news agency reported. The people\'s court in the province, which has a large Tibetan population, said Drongdru hid the injured monk, identified as Phuntsog, and delayed emergency treatment, resulting in the 16-year-old\'s death in March. The report said Phuntsog, a disciple and nephew of Drongdru, was hidden for 11 hours after he set himself on fire March 16, and died the following day at a local hospital. The report said the 46-year-old Drongdru had pleaded guilty to the charge and that he regretted his action. He was quoted as saying he would not appeal his jail sentence. Two other monks allegedly involved in the same case are awaiting trial on charges of plotting, instigating and assisting in the self-immolation death, Xinhua reported. Widespread violent protests in March 2008 against Chinese rule in Tibet, were put down by the military. At the time of Phuntsog\'s death, Tibetan rights groups had reported witnesses saying other monks and local people took him away from police into the monastery and later admitted him to a hospital, the BBC reported. After Phuntsog\'s death triggered protests near the monastery, tight security was posted in the area.