Two members of an armed group died following Tuesday\'s clash with a faction of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) in the southern Philippine province of Maguindanao, a senior official said Wednesday. Brig. Gen. Manuel Luis Ochotorena, deputy chief of the Army\'s 6th Infantry Division, said Wednesday the fighting was triggered by a feud on who should be harvesting coconuts on a piece of land in Nabundas. \"They were feuding on who will harvest coconuts. The members of the private armed group were harvesting the coconuts. They were supposed to harvest only until 5 p.m. but they refused to leave, triggering the firefight,\" he said. The private armed group is led by Datu Bahnarin Ampatuan. The fighting lasted for about one hour. At least 100 residents were displaced as a result of the fighting and sought temporary shelter from their relatives. Ochotorena said the military did not intervene in the fighting, noting that some of the people involved may be members of the MILF. \"That may have implications on the peace talks. We are respecting the peace process,\" he said. The government and the MILF are negotiating for a peace accord and have a standing ceasefire agreement.