The 20 crew members of a Panamanian cargo vessel, which was reported earlier to have sunk off northern Philippine province of Ilocos, are now safe, the Philippine Navy said Saturday night. Lt. Col. Omar Tonsay, director of the Naval Public Affairs Office, said that MV Oceanic Union did not sink as what was reported earlier. He said that the Hong Kong Maritime Rescue Coordinating Center (HKMRCC) reported Saturday afternoon that the vessel was under control and all water in its hold was pumped out. \"It is currently moving on its own power towards Subic and a tugboat was arranged to assist the one was injured in the incident,\" he said. Philippine authorities said that they received distress relay message from HKMRCC on Friday night. The Philippine Navy and the Philippine Coast Guard immediately dispatched vessels and helicopter to conduct search and rescue operations. MV Oceanic Union came from Shanghai, China and was bound for Subic port in northern Philippine province of Zambales when it encountered problem.