Four members of IRI Parliament, Majlis, arrived in Turkey’s worst quake-Stricken city of Van Wednesday night to express sympathy personally with bereaved families of killer last Sunday 7.2 degree earthquake. According to IRNA, the representative of Khoy city and member of Majlis Energy Commission Mo’ayyed Hosseini-Sadr, representative of Salmas and member of Majlis Civil Engineering Commission Ali-Akbar Aqa’ie, representative of Marand and Julfa cities and member of Majlis Energy Commission Sirous Saazdaar, and representative of Yazd and Sadouq cities Ali-Akbar Owlia are the members of the Iranian parliamentary delegation. The representatives of our country’s parliament are commissioned to visit the quake stricken regions of Turkey, estimate the volume of damages, express sympathy with the bereaved families of the quake victims and pay visits to those who are hospitalized, and to announced Iran’s full readiness to concerned officials for offering any kind of needed assistance in shortest possible time. A convoy comprised of eleven container trucks, too, was delivered to Van city officials to be distributed among the homeless quake victims. Iran on Monday voiced preparedness to provide aid for the victims of the 7.2 magnitude earthquake in Turkey and to treat the injured people in Iranian hospitals. The earthquake struck in the province of Van, about 1,300 miles from Istanbul, at 1:41 pm local time Sunday and was followed by more than 80 aftershocks. The government officials said that Turkey\'s largest earthquake in more than a decade may have killed hundreds of people, destroying apartment buildings and damaging 4,000 homes in the eastern province by the Iranian border. Several people injured in Sunday\'s earthquake in Turkey have been hospitalized in the northwestern Iranian city of Khoy, in West Azarbaijan Province. It is the strongest temblor to hit Turkey in almost a decade. In 1999, about 18,000 people died in two powerful earthquakes that struck the northwestern part of Turkey. It was initially estimate that 292 people had died in the Sunday quake, but by Wednesday night the statistics on loss of life had reached over 400. Yet the number is too low, thanks God, compared with the number of houses totally destroyed in this quake which is 1,000.