Officials at a Pennsylvania college said a love letter mailed to a student more than 50 years ago has finally arrived at the school. Christine Kindl, a spokeswoman for California University of Pennsylvania, formerly known as California State Teachers College, said a letter intended for a student named Clark C. Moore arrived at the school Friday after being mailed Feb. 20, 1958, the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review reported Thursday. Kindl said the letter was mailed from Pittsburgh and is signed \"Love Forever, Vonnie.\" \"It\'s the most interesting thing I\'ve come across in 22 years of working mail. I see a lot of students\' mail, but nothing like this,\" said Connie Morris, mailroom supervisor for the school. Officials said they attempted to find Moore, who would be in his 70s, using files and Web sites including Facebook, but they were unable to track him down. \"We\'ve tried to find him, but we don\'t have a record of him in our alumni records,\" Kindl said. Postal Service officials said they are trying to determine how the letter wound up in the mail stream instead of the dead letter file.