At least six people were killed and many others injured in police firing on a violent mob in the southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu on Sunday, local media reported Monday. The incident happened in the state\'s Ramanathapuram district when a mob attacked police who went to arrest a local Dalit leader, John Pandian, in a bid to prevent him from attending the birth anniversary of a late leader. Soon after the arrest, the mob attacked the police at Paramakudi, in which some senior police officials were injured, prompting the police to open fire to disperse the violent mob, the reports said. State\'s Chief Minister Jayalalithaa has condemned the violence and has announced a compensation of 100,000 rupees (2,000 U.S. dollars) to the kin of those killed. \"Violence for political gain has to be condemned. I appeal to not indulge in violence. The police opened fire in self-defense and to save public property,\" she said.