Amanda Knox is waiting to hear whether she will be cleared of murdering British student Meredith Kercher, after an 11-month appeal.Knox, 24, and Raffaele Sollecito, 27, are challenging their convictions for killing Miss Kercher, 21, from south London, in Perugia, Italy, in 2007.The verdict is expected on Monday after final statements from the pair, who were jailed for 26 and 25 years.Prosecutors have said they will appeal if the verdict is overturned.The appeal case has centred on a review of DNA evidence on a kitchen knife, thought to be the murder weapon, which indicated it was flawed.But prosecutors called for the sentences to be increased to life terms, saying there was also considerable circumstantial evidence putting the ex-lovers at the scene of the killing.The trial has heard some colourful phrases used to describe Knox, with one lawyer comparing the American to Who Framed Roger Rabbit cartoon character Jessica Rabbit, and another to a witch.Carlo Pacelli, who represents Diya \"Patrick\" Lumumba, who Knox originally accused of the murder - she says under pressure from the police - said she had a split personality.One side was \"angelic, good, compassionate, and in some ways even saintly\", but the other side was \"Lucifer-like, demonic, satanic, diabolic\" and \"longs to live out borderline extreme behaviour\", he said.The jury, which comprises two judges and six members of the public, will retire to consider its verdict after the statements.If the conviction is upheld, the pair can appeal for a final time at Italy\'s highest appeals court.Knox\'s family have said they will take her back to Seattle immediately if it is overturned, despite prosecutors vowing to appeal.Miss Kercher, from Coulsdon, had been sharing a cottage with Knox during an exchange year abroad from Leeds University.Prosecutors says she was killed in a brutal sex game which had gone wrong. Her throat had been slit and she had been sexually assaulted.Miss Kercher\'s family have said they feel the true victim has been \"completely forgotten\", with the media\'s focus on Knox.In a recent interview on Italian television, her sister Stephanie said: \"In these four years, Meredith has been completely forgotten. But we need to find justice for her, we need to find the truth for her.\"Knox was sentenced to 26 years in prison, while her former Italian boyfriend Sollecito was given 25 years. Both deny any wrongdoing.A third person - Rudy Guede, 21 - was also convicted of Miss Kercher\'s murder in a separate trial and was sentenced to 30 years in prisonHis conviction was upheld on appeal but reduced to 16 years.