President Obama gets positive reviews from Americans on his handling of foreign affairs and gets failing marks for his job on domestic matters, Gallup said. In the foreign policy arena, results released Wednesday indicate Obama had a 63 percent approval rating on terrorism, up from 53 August. Obama\'s rating on Afghanistan also rose in the new poll to 48 percent from 38 percent in August. Obama also earned 52 percent approval for his handling of the situation in Iraq, also up from 41 percent in August. In contrast, Obama\'s approval ratings on several domestic have wallowed at low levels, the Princeton, N.J., polling agency said. The 30 percent of Americans who approve of Obama\'s performance on the economy is the second-lowest such rating of his presidency, up slightly from the 26 percent in August, Gallup said. Obama\'s current 26 percent rating on his handling of the federal deficit also is near the lowest point of so far in his term. Results are based on nationwide telephone with 1,012 adults conducted Nov. 3-6. The margin of error is 4 percentage points.