South African police on Tuesday fired rubber bullets and tear gas to disperse supporters of controversial African National Congress youth leader Julius Malema ahead of a disciplinary hearing Hundreds of Malema supporters threw stones and bottles at police while burning the ruling party's flag and T-shirts bearing the face of President Jacob Zuma, AFP correspondents on the scene reported. The 30 year old firebrand leader is facing charges of "bringing the ANC into disrepute" and "sowing divisions" in the ruling party. Malema, who is charged along with five other youth league officials, could be expelled from the ANC at the closed-door hearing, after being found guilty of criticising Zuma by the party's disciplinary committee last year. Malema's supporters had camped overnight outside the ANC headquarters in downtown Johannesburg. "We are here to support our hero. Melema speaks for us. If he is being charged, then charge all of us," Thabang Mokoena, 29, one of the supporters who arrived by bus from Malema's home town in Limpopo province.