Casey Anthony was cleared of killing her daughter because prosecutors could not prove any murder happened, an alternate juror said Wednesday. On Tuesday, a jury in Orlando, Fla., acquitted Anthony of first-degree murder, aggravated manslaughter and aggravated child abuse but convicted her of a misdemeanor of providing false information to law enforcement about the death of her daughter Caylee. \"They didn\'t show us how Caylee died, and that was important,\" juror Russell Hueckler told CBS. \"No one could answer that.\" Vinnie Politan, a former prosecutor, said the defense team successfully sowed reasonable doubt on the prosecution\'s ample circumstantial evidence. \"This jury found it reasonable to believe that a grandfather would see his granddaughter drown in an innocent manner, with no criminal liability, take that innocent accident, cover it up to frame his own daughter for first-degree murder and watch her have to battle a potential death penalty,\" he said. Tuesday night, Anthony\'s lawyer, Jose Baez, said the case \"was built on nothing.\" \"I have to salute this jury and I hope to one day have the opportunity to speak to them ... to thank them for being courageous,\" he told Fox News. Baez and fellow defense attorney Cheney Mason told Fox the verdict stunned the public only because intensive media coverage, especially on cable TV, was, to them, severely biased against Anthony. \"The news media ... they hung her here daily for 2 1/2 years,\" Mason told Fox. \"She did not kill her daughter.\" In a news conference, Mason earlier criticized reporters and pundits for \"media assassination\" in maligning Anthony and assuming her guilt. Court officials said Wednesday could be Anthony\'s last night in the Orange County Jail. She faces a maximum of four years for the four misdemeanor charges, but her attorneys said she could get \"time served\" after already having spent three years in jail, WESH-TV, Orlando, reported. Anthony will be sentenced by Judge Blevin Perry, chief judge of Florida\'s 9th Judicial Circuit, Thursday morning, Anthony\'s 997th day in jail.