Casey Anthony was freed from a Florida jail early Sunday, 12 days after she was acquitted of murder in the death of her 2-year-old daughter Caylee in a verdict that drew furious responses and even threats from people across the United States who had followed the case with rapt attention. Anthony, wearing a pink T-shirt with blue jeans, left the jail at 12.14am local time with her attorney, Jose Baez. She was given $537.68 (Dh1,974) in cash from her jail account and escorted outside by two sheriff\'s deputies armed with semi-automatic rifles. Neither Anthony nor Baez said anything to reporters and others gathered outside. News helicopters briefly tracked the SUV through Orlando\'s streets, but she quickly slipped from public view. Anthony, 25, had been finishing her four-year sentence for telling investigators several lies, including that Caylee was kidnapped by a non-existent nanny. With credit for the nearly three years she\'s spent in jail since August 2008 and good behaviour, she had only days remaining when she was sentenced July 7. The case drew national attention ever since Caylee was reported missing. Cable networks aired the entire trial. Vitriol poured into social networking sites when Casey Anthony was acquitted of murder, with observers posting angry messages on Twitter and Facebook\'s ‘I Hate Casey Anthony\' page. Before her release, law enforcement officials put up plastic barricades around the jail\'s booking and release centre, and about seven or eight deputies wearing bullet-proof vests patrolled the area. At least one officer carried an assault weapon. About five officers patrolled the area on horseback. As midnight approached, upward of 100 spectators had gathered outside the jail. The crowd included about a half-dozen, sign-carrying protesters who had gathered there, despite a thunderstorm that dumped heavy rain over Orlando. \"This release had an unusual amount of security so, therefore, in that sense, it would not be a normal release,\" said Orange County Jail spokesman Allen Moore. \"We have made every effort to not provide any special treatment for her. She\'s been treated like every other inmate.\" From / Gulf News