Casey Anthony's lawyers filed notice Friday they will appeal her convictions for lying about her daughter Caylee's death. The attorneys also filed a motion at the Orange County Courthouse in Orlando, Fla., to continue classifying Anthony as insolvent and unable to pay legal fees, the Orlando Sentinel reported. Last week Anthony was cleared of killing Caylee but found guilty of lying to law enforcement. She was sentenced to four years but is scheduled to be freed Sunday. Meanwhile Friday, Judge Jose Rodriguez recused himself from Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez' defamation suit against Anthony without giving an explanation, the South Florida Sun Sentinel reported. Anthony told detectives in 2008 Caylee was kidnapped by a baby sitter named Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez. Police said no such nanny existed, and the Kissimmee, Fla., woman later sued Anthony. Anthony is scheduled to be questioned under oath Tuesday at an Orlando law firm. "My client is an innocent bystander whose life has been turned upside down. … We've been on the back burner for too long and we're about to get hot," said Keith Mitnik, attorney for Fernandez-Gonzalez.