Australia will provide up to 5.23 million U.S.dollars in aid for Southeast Asian nations in dealing with a flood crisis sweeping the region, Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd announced on Tuesday. While tropical storms had caused significant damage across the region, the funding will help eight million people in need in Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos and the Philippines. Rudd said Australia would provide blankets, mosquito nets, hygiene kits, water containers, kitchen sets, sandbags and health services to the nations. The money will also be used help repair damaged agricultural land and irrigation systems. \"Australia stands ready with the international community to provide further support to our friends and neighbours if needed,\" Rudd said in a statement released on Tuesday. \"Transport networks, farms and crops have been badly damaged while flooding in major urban areas has destroyed countless homes. There is also a risk of disease outbreaks because of contaminated water supplies and damaged sanitation systems. \"Australian support will be directed through partner organisations with a track record in providing disaster response and recovery services in the most affected areas and to the most vulnerable people.\"