Australia\'s Wedgetail Airborne Early Warning and Control (AEW&C) aircraft has successfully participated in the Five Power Defense Arrangement Exercise (FPDA) BERSAMA LIMA 2011, Australian Defense Materiel Minister Jason Clare said on Friday. BERSAMA LIMA commenced on 17 October and will finish on Friday in the Malaysian Peninsula and South China Sea. During the exercises, the AEW&C aircraft\'s sensors, communications suite and data-links were used for Maritime Strike, Offensive and Defensive Counter Air operations. Clare said 56 Australian personnel have deployed with the aircraft, comprising two flight crews and two maintenance crews as well as support personnel. \"This is another step forward in the four billion U.S. dollars project which will provide the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) with a leading-edge surveillance aircraft,\" Clare said in a statement released on Friday. \"Our aircraft worked with ground, sea and air assets from Malaysia, New Zealand, Singapore and the United Kingdom in a range of exercise scenarios.\" Boeing delivered the first two 737 AEW&C aircraft to the RAAF in 2009. In May 2010, the Royal Australian Air Force formally accepted these aircraft into service. Clare said the exercise provided important training for Australian pilots, air crew and ground crew in maritime and air combat situations, working closely with the Five Power partners. About 4,000 personnel, 19 warships, 68 military aircraft plus support elements from FPDA countries were involved in the exercise.