President Heinz Fischer announced on Thursday that the Austrian embassy in Tripoli would be re-opened soon. Fischer made the announcement shortly after US President Barack Obama said that the American ambassador to Libya was on his way back to Tripoli and the US embassy would be re-opened, In a high-level meeting with the leader of the Transitional National Council (TNC), Mustafa Abdel Jalil, with Obama also taking part, the Austrian head of state assured that Austria will support Libya bilaterally as well as within the EU and UN. Fischer also announced that a large part of Libya\'s frozen assets in Austria would be released early next month. The president recommended the new Libyan leaders cooperate with the OSCE and benefit from their support regarding rule of law and human rights. Austria\'s head of state underlined the importance of upholding human rights and rule of law. \"The Libyan people must sense improvement in their living conditions - and they must feel that they no longer have to live in fear. Only then would the people support a new democratic Libya.\" Fischer congratulated \"the Libyan people and the Transitional National Council on their successful fight to put an end to 42 years of dictatorship.