Italian Premier Silvio Berlusconi denied allegations he made a pact with the Northern League to hold elections in 2012 in exchange for reform concessions. Berlusconi said Friday the rumors were started by the media and he believes elections in 2012 would be against the country\'s best interests, ANSA, Italy\'s news agency, reported. \"To have the government fall and to launch an election campaign with a pause in government of at least six months would be seriously damaging for Italy and Italians,\" Berlusconi said. The rumors came after Berlusconi struck a last-minute deal with Northern League leader Umberto Bossi to gradually increase the retirement agree from 65 to 67. Media reports suggested that Berlusconi would step down next year if Bossi would agree to the retirement reform proposal. \"Bossi is a loyal ally and thinks like me,\" Berlusconi said. \"Everything else is the dreams of the opposition\".