Italian former prime minister Silvio Berlusconi has dislocated his shoulder and a wrist after a fall in the garden of his villa in Sardinia, Italian media reported on Friday. The 75-year-old took a tumble while walking in the park at Villa Certosa on the northeast of the Italian island and was immediately aided by the physiotherapist for football team AC Milan, who happened to be in the villa. The billionaire owns the Serie A team from northern Italy. Despite his repeated boasts about his health and virility, Berlusconi has recently suffered from a series of medical complaints. Last year he had an operation to relieve pain in his hands and was hospitalised in Milan after he knocked his head falling in the shower. He has fainted several times in public in the last few years and a leaked cable from the US embassy in Rome in 2010 claimed that medical tests showed that the media magnate\'s party lifestyle was taking a physical toll.