A blood sample from a New York woman who allegedly gave her son a fatal drug overdose is missing and charges against her should be dismissed, her lawyers say. The sample was taken from pharmaceutical millionaire Gigi Jordan in the hours after her autistic son Jude, 8, died at New York\'s Peninsula Hotel last year, the New York Post reported Tuesday. The blood sample could have shown Jordan had also ingested hydrocodone and benzodiazepines, her lawyers said, bolstering her defense that she intended both herself and her son to die. Jordan, 50, has said she stuffed both herself and Jordan with fatal quantities of drugs to escape from her son\'s alleged sexual abuse and death threats at the hands of both his biological and adoptive fathers. Jordan has pleaded not guilty to a murder charge. Prosecutors have blamed Jordan\'s missing blood sample on Bellevue Hospital, where it had been drawn and stored, the Post reported. The unexplained blood loss is \"just a symptom of the anemic state of the prosecution\'s case,\" Jordan\'s lawyer Ron Kuby said Monday.