A five-year-old girl was injured on Tuesday by an explosion of a homemade bomb in a kindergarten in the city of Komsomolsk-on-Amur, a local police source told RIA Novosti. The bomb looked like a gift box tied with a colorful band. Police suspect that the device was set up deliberately to attract the attention of a child. "The girl saw a pretty box and took it. The box exploded in her hands. The child was injured," the source said. Police later reported that the girl had been hospitalized with severe burns to her hands and eyes. "According to preliminary data, the device contained additional elements - nails and metal scrap - to increase the damage," said Andrei Sergeyev, head of a department at regional police headquarters. A criminal investigation has been opened, and it will involve operatives from the Federal Security Agency, FSB, as the case is considered "an attempt to carry out a terrorist attack."