A Royal Navy crewman who shot dead an officer and injured three other crewmen during in a drunken shooting spree aboard a British nuclear submarine has been sentenced to 25 years in jail, world media said on Tuesday. Able Seaman Ryan Donovan, 23, carried out the attack on April 8 after being reprimanded for not completing his cleaning duties, prosecutors said. The 23-year-old pleaded guilty to killing Lieutenant Commander Ian Molyneux, 36, with an SA80 rifle in the control room of HMS Astute while it was docked in Southampton (south coast of England). He also admitted the attempted murders of fellow sailors. The rampage took place as local dignitaries were being given a tour of the submarine. The $A1.53 billion Astute is one of Britain's fleet of 11 nuclear-powered submarines. Its short career has been dogged by problems. Originally due to enter service in 2005, it began active duty in 2010, years behind schedule and millions over budget.