Indian Border Security Force (BSF) Tuesday said it has seized 15 kg of heroin, worth Rs 75 crore as per the international market, from a village of Punjab, near the border with Pakistan. A BSF patrolling team noticed movements on Indian territory at Indo-Pak border near Doekey village last night. During the search operation, the team found that a group of persons were running towards Pakistan territory, pti reported today quoting BSF Director Inspector General (DIG) Sanjeev Bhanot as said in Amritsar.  The patrolling team chased them but they crossed over to Pakistan\'s territory, Bhanot said, adding 15 packets of heroin were left behind by them.  Bhanot said that under the cover of paddy, which has grown over four feet these days, some Pakistani smugglers had entered into Indian territory with the contraband but retraced their steps after throwing the smuggled consignment of drug when the BSF team reached there.  Smugglers from Indian side, who were aware of the arrival of the drug consignment from Pakistan, were also present at the spot but escaped after they saw the BSF, Bhanot said.  Investigations is on to trace the Indian smugglers, he said.