British Prime Minister David Cameron Friday condemned the Taliban\'s \"vicious and cowardly\" attack on the British Council offices in Kabul and insisted it would not prevent the UK\'s \"vital\" work in Afghanistan. The Prime Minister said in a statement there had been a \"tragic loss of life\" among Afghan police and others, but all the UK cultural organisation\'s staff were now safe and at the British Embassy. \"This is a particularly vicious and cowardly attack but it\'s an attack that hasn\'t succeeded,\" he said. \"It will not stop the British Council and indeed our whole effort in Afghanistan to bring stability and peace to that country. \"It\'s obviously a tragic but as I say cowardly attack that has been undertaken, but it won\'t succeed and it won\'t deflect us from the vital work we are doing in Afghanistan.\" Cameron said he had spoken to the New Zealand prime minister about the help received from that country\'s special forces in dealing with the \"appalling incident\".