Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov said on Tuesday two Chechen teenagers who rescued a number of people during an attack on Norway's Utoeya summer camp deserve "recognition." Sixteen-year-old Rustam Daudov and his friend Movsar Dzhamayev tried to stop Anders Behring Breivik during his attack on the island youth camp. They hurled stones at him and when their attempt to injure him failed, they took refuge in a cave and helped others to take shelter. "The boys acted like real men. They pulled themselves together; they retained self-control and helped their friends. Moreover, they tried to disarm the terrorist on their own. I think they acted like men and deserve recognition," Kadyrov said. He said the teenagers were "brought up according to centuries-old Chechen traditions" and could not have acted in any other way. Breivik has confessed to killing 8 people with a car bomb in Oslo before shooting dead 69 others in Utoeya on July 22. He could be jailed for up to 30 years if convicted. He has not, however, accepted criminal responsibility, saying his actions were "atrocious but necessary" measures intended to "save Norway and Western Europe" from a "Muslim takeover."