China on Friday voiced "strong dissatisfaction" and "firm opposition" to a newly-released annual report by the Pentagon on China's military, the official Xinhua News Agency reported. "China has lodged solemn representations with the US side," Defense Ministry spokesman Yang Yujun was quoted as saying in a statement. The report, titled "Military and Security Developments Involving the People's Republic of China," was unveiled by the US Department of Defense on Wednesday. "The report does not hold water as it severely distorted the facts," Yang said. He said the report turned a blind eye to facts and played up the so-called Chinese mainland's "military threat" to Taiwan, and made groundless claims on China's policies on space and network security. China and Taiwan separated after a civil war in 1949, but Beijing still sees Taiwan is part of its territory. Yang also said China's defense building "is solely to safeguard its own sovereignty and territorial integrity, and ensure smooth economic and social development, and does not target any country." "Given the progress of science and technology, it's normal for the Chinese army to develop and renew some weapons and equipment," Yang said. (end) mk.rk KUNA 261129 Aug 11NNNN