Residents of Beijing neighborhoods hit hard by recent flooding say local officials have been no help at all. Gao Liying, who lives in the Chinese capital\'s Fangshan district, told CNN the flood destroyed everything she owns. But officials were not sympathetic. \"They actually said: \'If your house didn\'t collapse and nobody died, then you\'re not a victim,\'\" she said. \"I asked: Are you still human?\" The city was deluged Saturday with the heaviest rainfall in six decades. At least 37 people died in the city, officials say, while the storm killed a total of 111 in China with 47 still missing Wednesday. On the highway connecting Beijing to Hong Kong and Macau, divers found 84 cars -- and three bodies -- covered by flood water on one half-mile stretch, CNN reported. Comments about the flooding on the Sina Weibo Web site suggested many Chinese are angry that a government that has hosted the Summer Olympics and launched an aggressive space program failed to provide advance flood warnings. There is also anger at solicitations for contributions for flood victims. \"Chinese government is wealthy enough to help Africa, the Philippines and North Korea, but they don\'t have the money to help its own people get over the disaster,\" read one comment.