New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie said he would listen to the idea of being Mitt Romney\'s running mate if Romney wins the Republican presidential nomination. Appearing on CBS \"Face the Nation\" Sunday, Christie said he was not terribly interested in seeking the vice presidency but would entertain the idea if for no other reason than out of respect for the Republican Party. \"If you\'re a betting man,\" Christie told host Bob Schieffer, \"bet me on me being the governor of New Jersey into next year.\" Christie, who has publicly endorsed Romney, gave the front-runner high marks for staying on an economic message while on the campaign trail even though challenger Rick Santorum was drawing more media attention with his recent statements on social issues. \"I care about some of these social issues and so do a lot of these viewers,\" said Christie. \"But what people care about the most is getting a job, being able to put food on the table and being able to pay their mortgage. Those are the things they care most about; those are the issues [former Michigan] Gov. Romney is facing head on right now.\"