U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, during a visit to Myanmar, will express support for reforms in the nation once ruled by the military, officials said. Clinton, whose unexpected trip was announced by U.S. President Barack Obama during his recent Asia tour, will be the first U.S. official of her rank to visit the isolated south Asian country in about 50 years. The visit comes as Myanmar, formerly called Burma, has begun to make progress toward democratic reforms under the new civilian government of President Thein Sein after decades of brutal military rule. During her three-day visit beginning Wednesday, Clinton \"will register support for reforms that we have witnessed in recent months and discuss further reforms in key areas, as well as steps the U.S. can take to reinforce progress,\" the State Department said on its Web site. The report said Clinton \"will underscore the U.S. commitment to a policy of principled engagement and direct dialogue as part of our dual-track approach\" and \"will consult with a broad and diverse group of civil society and ethnic minority leaders to gain their perspectives on developments in the country.\" While announcing the Clinton visit, Obama had said the United States is considering new relationship which would depend on \"the Burmese government taking more concrete action.\" Thein Sein, a former general, became president after last year\'s elections, which were first in two decades. Immediately after the elections, the new government freed opposition and pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi after holding her under house arrest for years. The new government also changed some laws to allow Suu Kyi\'s National League for Democracy party to contest in elections. Public protest, not encouraged during the junta rule, resulted in the new government suspending a hydroelectric dam project involving aid from China, a close ally of Myanmar. In another major reform, the government has freed dozens of political prisoners. The government also has passed reforms for protection of basic human rights. Aung Zaw, editor of Irrawaddy Magazine, was quoted by CNN as saying Clinton\'s visit will the boost the government\'s reform process and legitimacy. Clinton\'s Myanmar trip comes as the U.S. foreign policy pivots to the Asia-Pacific region, with Washington determined to play its leadership role. Some experts still express doubts as to whether the new leadership in Myanmar will remain committed to its democratic reforms.