Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos named General Alejandro Navas as the new commander of the armed forces on Tuesday. Navas would replace former chief Admiral Edgar Cely, who will be Colombia\'s ambassador to the Dominican Republic, the president\'s office said in a statement. General Jose Javier Perez was appointed as the new head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. General Sergio Mantilla will be the commander of the army, Admiral Roberto Garcia Marquez will be in charge of the navy and General Tito Saul Pinilla was appointed as the chief of the air force. \"I\'m sure this team, which know each other very well and who I know because I worked with them as defense minister and now as president, will be very important to grant peace to this country, under the leadership of the defense minister,\" Santos said. The president said the changes in the armed forces leadership were made after discussions with the new Defense Minister Juan Carlos Pinzon, who was sworn in on Monday.